3 Tips To Look Your Best For an Interview:

Before going on an interview you may be extremely nervous and not think of your appearance as much as what you’re going to say.  Your appearance is their very first impression of you. Looking the part plays a bigger role in the process than you may realize.

1) “Dress to Impress

I know you’re probably thinking I have heard this too many times but it really is appropriate for every interview. Make sure your clothes are ironed and fit you. If your dress pants are too short that might leave a bad impression. Take the extra time to look prepared.


Image by Priyanka Ramani {Link to https://www.thehrdigest.com/business-fashion-dress-impress-workplace/}

2) “Always Be the Best That You Can Be”

This quote is very special to me because it is something my grandma always told me growing up. Anytime I saw her she would tell me this so it is engraved in my head now.  This quote is very true when you think about it. You only have so much time here on Earth so why not live every day to your fullest potential.

best that you can be.jpg

Image by Eva Hanson {Link to http://www.heritagelink.org.uk/fundingdirectory/main/fundinghome.php}

3) “Take Time to Shower

This tip is self explanatory even though it may not be for some people. Is it really that hard to take a shower before a job interview? I have heard stories of people coming into interviews looking like they just rolled out of bed. That just shocks me and is definitely a turn off automatically for the company you are trying to work for.

taking shower

Image by Shutterstock {Link to https://www.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/cute-little-girl-dark-hair-taking-306498152}